Business consulting
Does your company need assistance with projects or business plans? Are you looking at the ways to cut costs? Do you need help in finding the right IT solutions? Do you want to participate in public tenders? Do you need legal advice? MAXIT can help.
Running a successful business requires a variety of skills, including the ability to assess both the longer-term picture and the specific issues confronting your organization today. The imperativ of seeing both the forest and the trees is crucial, and ever challenging for most business owners. That is where MAXIT comes in. We will help you stay on track toward your objectives.
We provide you with support services related to:
- IT outsourcing solution
- Public procurement tenders
- IPA projects
- Business plans
- Risk Assessment regulations
- Transfer pricing
- Health and safety regulations
- Fire safety regulations
- Legal services related to business and labour law
- Professional treinings
- Outsourcing to foreign companies